
Thursday 28 June 2012

Make-Up Brushes

The importance of cleaning your make up brushes

How often do we really clean our makeup brushes?
I have seen so many of my friends and strangers make up brushes that look like they have not been cleaned for months. It is so important to give your make up brushes a good wash.

Why? I will tell you why...

Firstly it is extremely unhygienic and secondly if you take care of your brushes they will last much longer.

Everyone gets break outs and it is completely normal. If u apply foundation with your make up brush over the blemish and you use the brush the following day, you will just be spreading that bacteria.

I will be doing a post about a product you could use to clean them but the ulternative root is to clean them with shampoo or your facial cleanser. This method works perfectly.  

Warning! If you have wooden brushes try not putting the entire brush under water. If you do (like I did) in time it will start cracking. I have started to avoid using products that contain alcohol to clean my brushes as it tends to dry out the bristles and break the hairs.

So ladies get cleaning

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